I'd like for my readers to take a look at this link: http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2014-06-25.html
It's Ann Coulter's take on Soccer as a whole, brought on by the World Cup. I myself am a Republican, but cannot proudly say so on this day. Ann Coulter's kind have branded people like me (a moderate Republican) traitors and undercover Democrats. All because I have morals AND a heart.
I'd like to take the time, as I watch the Chile vs. Brazil game, to remind everyone out there in cyber-world that the people we criticize are also humans and feel and live and love the same way we do… some on an even deeper level.
There's a song by Brad Paisley ("American Saturday Night" http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/bradpaisley/americansaturdaynight.html) that describes the U.S. traditions for what they really are, borrowed from other countries. Wikipedia, and other books and sites, have discredited Ann's view of what is really "America". Baseball originated in England, football has its origins in Britain, even hockey has been documented in many countries many hundreds of years before it made its merry way to the U.S. So what does a sport need in order to be considered "American enough" for Ann Coulter? It needs to have been stolen from another country and called All-American, like it belongs to us, following the trend of the Trail of Tears and other things the U.S. likes to think belong to it alone.
Don't worry Ann, there will be enough immigrants in the U.S. (from all over the world) to turn soccer into another one of your national sports soon enough.
Finally, let me remind you, as you've most likely heard throughout your lives, that more flies can be caught with honey than with vinegar. So if you'd like to convince the whole world, or at least the U.S., of your personal convictions, criticism is already a bad start. Take a personal interest in your enemies' lives and they will begin to recognize you for the human you are as well.
Much love.
It's Ann Coulter's take on Soccer as a whole, brought on by the World Cup. I myself am a Republican, but cannot proudly say so on this day. Ann Coulter's kind have branded people like me (a moderate Republican) traitors and undercover Democrats. All because I have morals AND a heart.
I'd like to take the time, as I watch the Chile vs. Brazil game, to remind everyone out there in cyber-world that the people we criticize are also humans and feel and live and love the same way we do… some on an even deeper level.
There's a song by Brad Paisley ("American Saturday Night" http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/bradpaisley/americansaturdaynight.html) that describes the U.S. traditions for what they really are, borrowed from other countries. Wikipedia, and other books and sites, have discredited Ann's view of what is really "America". Baseball originated in England, football has its origins in Britain, even hockey has been documented in many countries many hundreds of years before it made its merry way to the U.S. So what does a sport need in order to be considered "American enough" for Ann Coulter? It needs to have been stolen from another country and called All-American, like it belongs to us, following the trend of the Trail of Tears and other things the U.S. likes to think belong to it alone.
Don't worry Ann, there will be enough immigrants in the U.S. (from all over the world) to turn soccer into another one of your national sports soon enough.
Finally, let me remind you, as you've most likely heard throughout your lives, that more flies can be caught with honey than with vinegar. So if you'd like to convince the whole world, or at least the U.S., of your personal convictions, criticism is already a bad start. Take a personal interest in your enemies' lives and they will begin to recognize you for the human you are as well.
Much love.